What if you woke up one day and realised you are God's child. That you could make your toothbrush fly and turn your neighbour into an owl. What would you do?
Would you attempt to part the sea? Or if you are in a place like Bangalore that doesn't have water even in its taps, would you try something cooler like flying to work arms wildly flapping and all. Come to think of it, why work at all. Come on now, what would you do child of God?
PS: Yeah, no comments on serving the poor and the homeless etc. Leave that for the Miss Universe finalist.
2010s: A Roundup (Books)
5 years ago
As a selfish stereotype woman, I would make my youth eternal and have butterflies be my hairclips. I'll grow blue roses, turquoise roses, purple roses and live in a beautiful castle surrounded by woods.
I'll travel the world...
p.s. and I'll remove SMS language from the face of earth.
"dat is wat ill do" "Lolz"
Butterflies as hairclips? You got to change your medication no?:)
I am God's child:)
And, I wouldn't want to have this life any differently. Travel more, spend more time with children yes, and well I could rid the world of heartache, but that too exists for a reason
Ah dear, I'm incurable! Medication didn't work, so they put me in advertising :-(
p.s. getting you to reply was QUITE an achievement.
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