Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My favourite people - 1

You will run into them at any self-respecting queue. And if you are as lucky as I am, they are usually right in front of you. So you have waited for the better part of the day watching the queue inch along like your bank balance. You are almost there, just the bloke in front of you to conquer now. And there he goes, rummaging in his pockets for change, dropping an assortment of rubbish and then picking them up, then mining for change or his ID card or whatever. Minutes seem like hours and you can't find that chainsaw when you need it the most. I love these queue poopers. And it's worse if it is a queue pooping blokess, they have bigger bags with bigger rubbish.


fishbowl said...

Ha ha ha. Don't ask what I assumed when I read the title.

anil said...

Ok tell

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely one of your favourite people fact, I'd probably top the list

anil said...

do you also have an annoying ringtone that goes off repeatedly during a movie?